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Have we chosen to be sinners?


We invite you to discover the wonders of Jesus Christ through what He did and said when He came to earth:

The Lamb of God

This page is currently being translated and will be available shortly. Ecrit le 20/12/2022 L'Agneau de Dieu   Bonjour à tous frères et sœurs, ou amis croyants, Nous voudrions aborder un sujet dont on n’entend jamais parler, ou très peu.  Il s'agit de la manière...

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The Gospel of God for man

What is the Gospel of God?

Marc 1:14  ¶Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,

The Gospel of God is ‘good’ news. It is the good news of the Kingdom and justice of God.

Through His Gospel, God enables us to discover the very existence of His kingdom, which is heavenly and not material; a kingdom that is Spirit, for God is Spirit.

This kingdom of God was announced from the beginning by his prophets and through the law and the psalms, and was then manifested by Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

But the Gospel is also a means given by God – even through Jesus Christ, the Saviour-Sent – to discover His righteousness, which is totally opposed to the righteousness of this world.

Yes, because whoever discovers the ‘righteousness of God’ in Jesus also discovers the eternal Kingdom of God.



Les thèmes importants

Les merveilles de Jésus

Lors de sa venue sur la terre des hommes, Jésus-Christ, le Sauveur-Envoyé, a fait et dit des merveilles qui permet au travers Lui de découvrir qu’Il est le Christ, le Fils de Dieu. C’est pourquoi nous vous proposons cet onglet “les merveilles de Jésus.”

La Foi 

La foi est un don de Dieu.

Elle est lien qui unit l’homme à Dieu et qui donne a l’homme intérieur de contempler dans l’éternel de Dieu.

Oui, la foi donne de voir le Fils à travers toutes les écritures.

La loi dans ses ordonnances et ses prescriptions.

Dans les écritures il est souvent utilisé le mot “loi”.

Pourtant au travers de ce seul mot se trouve, soit “la grande et belle loi de Dieu”, soit “le commandement d’obligation” qui est le ministère de mort.

Les merveilles de Jésus

La foi

La loi dans ses ordonnances

Premières déviations

Compréhensions spirituelles

Les dernières études, articles et témoignages :

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“If you wish to contact us, we are entirely at your disposal. You can contact us via our mailbox, our contact form or by phone. We will be happy to answer you. Yours in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God”.